20 Sep, 2024
6 mins read

Is It Time to Change Schizophrenia Treatments?

People with schizophrenia need treatment throughout their lives, and sometimes their needs change. If you notice a difference in the behavior of your loved one with schizophrenia, it may be time for a treatment adjustment. Why They May Need an Adjustment Even if your loved one’s treatment has been working well, things can happen that […]

5 mins read

How to Talk to Your Loved One’s Care Team

One of the most important things to do when you’re caring for someone with schizophrenia is to check in frequently with their care team, says Frank Chen, MD, chief medical officer at Houston Behavioral Healthcare Hospital. That can be difficult, especially if your loved one is resistant to treatment and/or doesn’t want you involved.  “There […]

4 mins read

Is Your Doctor ‘Blue Zones’ Certified?

Blue Zones, an organization that studies regions around the world where people live longer, happier lives, has partnered with The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) to help train and certify health care professionals.  The “Blue Zones certification” for doctors and health care workers will add another layer to ACLM certification, which already confers lifestyle […]

6 mins read

Alzheimer’s Risk and the APOE4 Gene

Studies have long shown that if you carry two copies of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) 4 gene, your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease are much higher. Now, researchers say in a new study that gene pair isn’t just a risk factor, but a genetic form of the disorder.  With two APOE4 genes, you’re almost certain […]

7 mins read

The Challenges of Parenting a Child With Eczema

A loving mother wants, above all else, good health for her child. Imagine, then, the emotional impact of discovering that your baby has eczema, of wishing more than anything to take away the itching and irritation. And imagine the worry when a woman with eczema becomes pregnant. The what-ifs are huge. Fortunately, there is excellent […]